Michael Ferrell is a front-end engineer, software developer and hobbyist abstract artist

Since 2014, Michael has been an engineer at Conversica on a team with some of the coolest and most talented people in town.

He loves developing large-scale web applications, writing beautiful code and designing extra sweet interfaces. At the end of the day it is pure passion that has allowed him to evolve and become a better version of himself.

Some projects I've worked on


A ReactJS app designed to find the best moves on Neflix

see it


A simple interface for accessing local and session storage

see it

Bare Bones

Build flex-based responsive websites with a grid and UI components

see it

Art Work

I've dabbled in various mediums of art since I was a kid. Ranging from pen and pencil illustration, water colors and clay sculpting and pottery, to tech-based art using the Adove Creative Suite.

Acrylic on canvas

Graffiti Sunrise
Train Graffiti
Color In the Streets
See More Art

Captured moments with Instagram

A timeline of amazing food, places I've traveled, and overall meanderings.